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Learn to Speak English Fluently

If you want to speak any language fluently, including English, the first thing you need is to master certain skills. Many students focus on learning vocabulary. They want to learn as many words as they can, as quickly as they can. This however is a mistake. Students who learn many words end up forgetting most of the words they study! Even worse, students who study many words do not know how to use those words correctly and end up making many vocabulary mistakes when they speak English.
Students of English, then, need to learn many sentences. But before learning many sentences, the very first skill is to learn how sounds work in your new language. For example, a learner of Chinese not only has to learn to pronounce each word, he or she must also learn to master the "tone" of each word. In English, you not only have to learn to pronounce the sounds of English (see Basic English Pronunciation but you must also learn the rhythm of English.
After mastering English pronunciation, then you can begin to learn more and more sentences. One of the best techniques for learning English sentences is the Backwards Sentence Technique. Use this technique to help you whenever you have trouble remembering a sentence in English. You can then successfully practice sentences such as these "tongue twisters" and you are on your way to speaking English fluently!
When you have mastered both the sounds of English and basic sentences, you need to do "extensive" practice. A good way to do this is by using a technique called Shadow Practice which you can use to study English movies, TV programs, or songs. You don't have to study English alone. Go to our Speak English Fluently group where you can meet other learners of English and Speak lots of questions. In the future, we will have live classes online so that you can find out just how fluent you really are!

Learn to Read English Faster

How many words can you read in English in one minute? Generally speaking, native English speakers can read between 200 and 400 words in one minute. (We normally say "200 words per minute" or "200 wpm".) Many students of English can read fewer than 100 wpm. If that is true for you, then you need to practice a lot. Better students can read between 100 and 200 wpm. As you learn more English, including vocabulary, your wpm will increase too.

Try each of the readings to see how fast you can read. Try to get the main ideas while you read, but if you have trouble with many words, just try to guess their meaning. If this is the first time you have ever tried to see your reading rate, don't worry if it's a bit difficult. As long as you keep trying, you can improve your wpm quite quickly.
In the future, continue reading, at least for 20 minutes every day. Try to get main ideas first, trying to build up speed. You can get the details later, if you decide that you really need that information. With your daily practice, try reading one article or book for ten minutes. Count how many words there are in the first ten lines. Divide that number by ten to get the average number of words in each line. When you count how many lines you have read, you can easily calculate the total words read. Divide by ten (because you read for ten minutes) and you have the number of words per minute or wpm.
As you read faster, you can enjoy more of what you read. Then you will find that your English vocabulary improves greatly. Not only will you know more words, you will also start to use them correctly, because you have seen them many times in your reading. As always, practice makes perfect, so keep on practicing your reading!

The Top Five Mistakes of English Learners

Teacher Joe has been teaching English for almost 20 years. Here are the biggest problems he sees in students' study methods. If you can avoid these mistakes, you can learn English much more efficiently.
1. Students practice their mistakes. Sometimes it's helpful to practice fluency and make lots of mistakes. Other times, however, it's necessary to practice carefully and accurately, so that you develop good habits in speaking and writing. Many students recite sentences and memorize words and phrases with poor pronunciation or incorrect grammar. When repeating incorrect language over and over again, the mistakes actually become stronger. The lesson is: Be careful how you practice!
2. Students memorize lists of words. The best way to learn vocabulary is to read, and read a LOT! The human brain learns by making connections. The context provided by a book or story in a magazine or newspaper gives your brain what it needs to remember better. Word lists lead only to more and more forgetting!
3. Students worry too much about grammar details. It would be better to learn the most important sentence patterns rather than try to learn every detail about English grammar. It is much easier, much faster, and much more effective to focus on key sentences. After you master the most important sentences in English, you can spend more time on fluency practice.
4. Students don't listen to English spoken at normal speed. It's extremely difficult to successfully listen to fast English, but it can help you make big improvements in your English. At first, you don't need to understand 100%. In fact, you don't need to understand much at all! You just need to keep on trying and understand a little more each time you listen. This is what I am now doing in my study of Chinese and it's helping me so much.
5. Students don't read in English. Reading real English (newspapers, magazines, books, stories) can be as difficult as listening to English at normal speed. Real English is very rich and complex, but it is this richness and complexity that can help students learn much more than any textbook can teach. It is not necessary to understand everything you read. The more you read, the easier it will become. Then, one day, you'll realize that you have the skill to read easily. And it will be enjoyable. From that time forward, your English will really "take off"!
Good luck with your studies!

If + Sentence + Might be + Long Noun
(1) If (2) you feel sick, it (3) might be (4) a good idea to see a doctor.
Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1. If tomorrow is sunny, it might be a good time to wash the car.
2. If they are in a hurry, it might be a good idea to take a taxi.
3. If she wants to lose weight, it might be worth it to start exercising more.
4. If your parents come, it might be a great chance to take them out to dinner.
5. If you are hungry, it might be a good time to cook something.

Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. If you want to play tennis well, might it be a good idea to take lessons?
2. If you have a good job, might it be a good time to save money?
3. If you have a pain in your stomach, what might it be worth doing?
4. If you get a phone call from a customer, what might you do?
5. If your friend has trouble, what might it be a good idea for him to do?

Read Children's Books

Successful students study a variety of materials and review often. You can do both (kill two birds with one stone!) by reading children's books. It's a fun and interesting way to review English. You can start by reading short poems or stories, then keep on reading until you can easily understand school textbooks and longer books such as Harry Potter.
Kids' books are that you might see some strange vocabulary. Stories and poems often use childish vocabulary that you won't see anywhere else. And you might see words related to magic and fantasy, but you don't need to use them, so don't worry about them. The only words you should worry about are words that come up often, but you will be able to understand them easily after you read those three or four times, just by seeing how they are used in the story.
Paying attention to basic sentence structure by reading and seeing how words are used in various situations is much more important than learning new words when you are reviewing. The key to success is to enjoy what you are reading so that you will do more and more. Remember what Teacher Joe tells his students
Have you ever tried "shadow practice"? It's a great way to improve your fluency. I'm using it now to try to improve my Chinese speaking ability and my students have used it for many years with great success. The technique is quite simple. Whenever you hear English, whether from a teacher, from TV or radio, from a DVD or a song, try to follow the voice by moving your mouth, but do NOT use your own voice. You should listen to the natural pronunciation and intonation of the speaker while exercising all of the muscles of your face.
Here are some general tips to follow while doing "shadow practice":
1. Do not worry about meaning at first. Your goal is to speak faster and faster. You will understand more in the future.
2. Try to feel like a native English speaker. Some of my students even IMAGINE that they are a TV or radio announcer! This helps to to pay very close attention to every sound and word of English.
3. Be consistant. That means you should practice a little every day. Think like an Olympic athlete or a professional musician. If you practice every day, you will be sure winner!

Five Methods of Successful English Learners

In our previous article, The Top 5 Mistakes of English Students, we looked at five common mistakes that learners of English make. These mistakes cause students to waste time and sometimes give up learning English. This article describes the positive things that successful students do to learn English very well. Do you do these five things?
1. Successful students learn the whole sound system of English. They not only learn how to pronounce English vowels (A, E, I, O and U) and consonants (sounds other than vowels), they also learn to use natural English rhythm and intonation. Some experts say that learning natural English rhythm by itself can correct most pronunciation mistakes that students commonly make!
2. Successful students learn "whole language" using their right brain. Most students around the world naturally use their logical left brain to study and pass tests. The best language learners do more than that. The best language learners also use their creative right brain to learn new things in different ways. To use your right brain, try learning English through songs, or play games in English, or watch TV and movies in English. Another good way to use your right brain to learn all about English humor.
3. Instead of studying every detail of English grammar, successful students learn useful sentence patterns that can be used very often. Teacher Joe is putting some of these most common sentence patterns on his Grammar Page. Try practicing these until you can use them easily, then your ability to speak English in any situation will greatly increase!
4. Successful students listen to English often. You can listen to all kinds of things; just listen at least 30 minutes every day. You can begin by listening to some short jokes, and then try these funny videos. As your listening improves, you can listen to BBC radio for British English, or try National Public Radio to learn an American accent.
5. Finally, successful students read at least a little bit every day. Reading helps students learn vocabulary, especially how vocabulary is used in a variety of ways. If you don't read often yet, you can begin by reading these funny news stories with vocabulary explained. After that, you can go to almost any news site to find interesting things to read.
Good luck with your studies!
Here are some tips which may help you to master the English Language!
Speak without Fear
The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear.  They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all.  Don’t do this.  The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right.  Like anything, learning English requires practice.  Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want. 
Use all of your Resources
Even if you study English at a language school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class.  Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster.  There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two.  The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but for the language learner it's perfect. 
Surround Yourself with English
The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it.  Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television.  Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English”.
Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible
There are some good English teachers that have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it.  However, there are several reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers. One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate.  The closer ESL / EFL students can get to this rhythm or flow, the more convincing and comfortable they will become. 
Watch English Films and Television
This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective.  By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors.  If you listen to the news you can also hear different accents. 
Listen to English Music
Music can be a very effective method of learning English.  In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension.  The best way to learn though, is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings.  There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time.  And if you like to sing, fine.
Study As Often As Possible!
Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises, can you really improve your knowledge of any language. 
Do Exercises and Take Tests
Many people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun.  However, by completing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with.  Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned.  If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are progressing. Start now by doing some of the many exercises and tests on this site, and return in a few days to see what you've learned. Keep doing this and you really will make some progress with English.
Record Yourself
Nobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests, it is good to compare your tapes from time to time.  You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much.
Listen to English                                                 
By this, we mean, speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts, audio books or CDs in English. This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you.  Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is to practice.

Use of Wh kind of Grammer

A good friend is a person who will help you in difficult times.
Who is "a person" in the Model Sentence above? We can use many adjectives to describe this person. In English, ordinary adjectives come before the noun - "he is a good person" or "she is a happy person". In this grammar pattern, however, we have a longer adjective that describes this person using a phrase introduced by "who". So we know this person will help others when they have trouble. This is a good way to add important meaning to your communication in English. Learn it well and use it often!
Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1. I have a friend who likes to jump out of airplanes.
2. My sister is a person who sleeps until noon.
3. Learners of English are people who really hope to succeed!
4. A good musician is a perfectionist who practices every day.
5. Joe is a teacher who likes to laugh.
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. Do you know anybody who can fix a broken computer?
2. Do you have a friend who can play the guitar?
3. Who is a famous person who appears often on TV?
4. Are you the type of person who likes to wake up early?
5. Was there a teacher who really helped you a lot?

Adverbs with "When"
we like to wake up when the sun rises.
Adverbs modify verbs. In other words, adverbs give more information about verbs. In the Model Sentence, the verb is "wake up". We can show the time of waking up by using an expression with "when" - "when the sun rises". This is a very common pattern in English, but students often struggle with it. Just practice this grammar pattern a few times, however, and you'll master it very soon.
Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1. I usually eat when my brother eats.
2. They normally sleep when the sun goes down.
3. She doesn't study when the weekend comes.
4. We need an umbrella when it's raining.
5. My cousin travels when he doesn't have a lot of work to do.
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. What do you like to do when the weekend comes?
2. Do you always have an umbrella when it rains?
3. Do you always carry an umbrella when it doesn't rain?
4. Is there a regular time when you go to bed?
5. When do you think is the best time to travel?

Long Nouns with Question Words
"Whoever smiles first is the loser!" OR "The loser is whoever smiles first!"
Although this grammar pattern is similar to English Sentence Pattern 18 it is much more challenging. We make the longer noun in this pattern using "question words" for example, the Model Sentences above use "whoever smiles first" either at the beginning or the end of the sentence. When you get used to this sentence pattern, it will seem quite easy, so keep trying!
Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1. Whoever finishes first is the winner. (The winner is whoever finishes first.)
2. Whenever we arrive we'll have a party. (We'll have a party whenever we arrive.)
3. Whichever bus comes first, we'll take. (We'll take whichever bus comes first.)
4. Wherever we go, it will be fun. (It will be fun wherever we go.)
5. Whatever you do, we will support you. (We will support you whatever you do.)
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. Who will win a basketball match? (Whoever scores the most points...)
2. Where can we find good Chinese food in Beijing? (Wherever you go...)
3. When do you like eating pizza? (Whenever I'm hungry!)
4. What kind of movies do you watch? (Whatever is playing at the cinema...)
5. Which kind of computer do you want to buy? (Whichever is cheaper...)

Either / neither / Too / So
They don't agree and neither do I
In English grammar, we use words such as "Either", "Neither", "Too" or "So" to show agreement during a Discussion. Use one of these expressions to give answers.
Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1. She seems very tired. (I am too!)
2. I want to go home. (So do I!)
3. I don't like this TV show. (I don't either!)
4. I am not happy with this class. (Neither am I!)
5. We don't want to go out tonight. How about you? (I don't either.)
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. How does your sister (or brother) feel now? How about you?
2. Do you have a million dollars? How about your friends?
3. Have your friends been to South Africa? How about you?
4. Can your parents fly an airplane? What about you?
5. Which country were you born in? What about your brother? (or sister?)

English Articles
A man jumped into the river. Who was the man?.
Articles are one of the most difficult points of English grammar for ESL students. Learn the sentences in this lesson will make it easier for you. In English, we often start with "a" and "an" which are called "indefinite articles". These are used with something we don't know well. We can then continue with "the", which is a "definite article". We use "the" with something we know. The practice sentences in this grammar lesson are in pairs - the first sentence uses an indefinite article but then we know the topic, so the second sentence uses a definite article.
Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1a. There is a man next to the table. (We don't know who he is yet.)
1b. The man is from Sydney. (Now we know him, at least a little!)
2a. A man came to our office this morning. (Who? We don't know.)
2b. The man wanted to meet our boss. (Now we know him a little.)
3. The Nile is a river in Egypt. (Everybody knows it.)
4. There is a river in my hometown called the Genesee River.
5. Put this fruit in the kitchen. (We know that every house has a kitchen.)
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1a. Do you have a pet?
1b. what is the pet's name?
2a. Is there a lake near your hometown?
2b. Is the lake big or small?
3. Where is the Mississippi River?
4. What is the capital city of France?

There was / There were
There was a big storm last night.
This grammar pattern is similar to sentence pattern 32, except that it is in the past. Use this in conversations about things that happened before now. It's quite easy, so be sure to learn these sentences until you can say them perfectly.
Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1. There were seventeen students in the class.
2. There was a tall student sitting in the front.
3. There was a big earthquake in China a few years ago.
4. Was there a party last night?
5. Were there many people at the meeting yesterday?
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. Was there a special event that changed your life?
2. Were there many good teachers in your high school?
3. Was there a McDonald's in your town when you were a child?
4. Were there interesting TV shows on TV when you were a child?
5. How many TV stations were there in your hometown 20 years ago?

There is / There are
There is a big dog in front of the house.
Use this simple grammar pattern to start lots of conversations. Start with "There is" when talking about one thing or start your Discussion with "There are" if you are talking about two or more things. Then explain what (in the Model Sentence the "what" is "a big dog") and explain where ("in front of the house") and you have a good sentence! There are three discussion questions at the end to get you started using this sentence pattern in real conversations. Have fun!
Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1. There are three people in my family.
2. There is a book on the table.
3. There aren't any eggs in the refrigerator.
4. There isn't any time left in the game.
5. There are only a few cars on the road.
6. There are too many cars on the road.
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. Are there many people in your family?
2. How many people work in your office?
3. Are there too many cars in your city?
4. Is there too much pollution in your hometown?
5. Is there any cheese in your refrigerator?
Discussion Questions - Give longer answers to these questions.
1. Do you think there are too many people in the world?
2. Are there people in this world that you admire?
3. Is there a special place that you want to visit?

Past Sentences with "Be" (was / were)
We were hungry last night.

Use the past of "Be" to describe places, people, or things that happened before now. Pay close attention to the different times we us "was" (He was... / She was... / I was...) and "were" (We were... / They were...). These are easy sentences, but you must do them perfectly! Good luck.
Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1. I was a lazy student.
2. He was tired yesterday.
3. She was my neighbor.
4. We were classmates.
5. They were not classmates.
6. You were a cute child.
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. Were you a good student in high school?
2. Were you tired when you woke up this morning?
3. Was she your friend?
4. Were they in the same job?
5. Was he fat as a child?
6. Was yesterday a hot day?

Simple Sentences with "Be" (am / is / are)
We are not from this city.
This pattern is a very easy but important pattern. Be sure to say these perfectly! Especially be careful of the different forms - "I am", "We are", "They are", "He is" or "She is". You have to say these correctly every time or people will be confused.
Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!
1. I am from New York.
2. He is a teacher.
3. She is my friend.
4. We are married.
5. They are not married.
6. You are a good student.
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. What is your name? (My name is ...)
2. Where are you from? (I am from ...)
3. What is your job? (I am a ...)
4. Are you married? (Yes I am. / No I'm not.)
5. Is your friend a good student? (Yes she is. / No she isn't, she's a ...)
6. Are your parents teachers? (Yes they are. / No, they are ...)

Unconfirmed Questions  
Would you like to travel to the moon some day

Tone of voice Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. Would you like to visit London? (Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn't.)
2. Could you take a train to work next week? (Yes, we could. / No, we couldn't.)
3. Should we study this for the test? (Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn't.)
4. Would you have studied harder as a student? [If you had another chance.] (Yes, I would have. / No, I wouldn't have.)
5. Could you have found a better way? (Yes, I could have. / No, I couldn't have.
6. Should you have asked for help before the test? (Yes, we should have. / No, we shouldn't have.)
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. Would you like to travel in space?
2. Would you like to visit the moon?
3. Could a lion beat an alligator in a fight?
4. Could a time machine be built in the future?
5. Should we spend more time at work or with our families?
6. Should we give money to poor people on the streets?
Discussion – Give longer answers to these questions.
1. Would you enjoy flying an airplane by yourself?
2. Could we have a cheap electric car in the future?
3. Should cloning (making a "copy" of people!) be allowed in the future?
4. What should people do to make our world cleaner?
5. How could we make a million dollars in a short time?
6. Where should we put all of the world's garbage?

Polite Questions
  Would you like to have some coffee?
Tone of Voice Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. Would you like some tea?
2. Would you come here for a moment?
3. What do you want to eat for lunch?
4. What do you want to drink?
5. Could you tell me your name?
6. Could you help me move this?
7. May I sit here?
8. May we come in?

Tag Questions
This is a good book, isn't it?

Tone of Voice Practice - Repeat each question and answer out loud!
1. This book is mine, isn't it? ("Yes it is." / "No it isn't.")
2. That car is yours, isn't that right? ("Yes that's right" / "Yes it's mine" / "No it's not mine")
3. This house is theirs, isn't it? ("Yes it is" / "No it isn't")
4. This phone number is hers, isn't it? ("Yes it is"/"Yes that's right"/"No it isn't")
5. You are from London, aren't you? ("Yes I am" / "No I'm not")
6. We have enough time, don't we? ("Yes we do" / "No we don't!")
7. You can speak German, can't you? ("Yes I can" / "No I can't")
8. They will come tomorrow, won't they? ("Yes they will" / "No they won't")

Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. You can understand English well, can't you?
2. Learning sentence patterns is good practice, isn't it?
3. We should listen to English more, shouldn't we?
4. Your job is interesting, isn't it?
5. If we keep trying, we'll surely succeed, won't we?

How much / How long / How many
How many English sentences do you know?
Tone of Voice Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. How long have you known your friend?
2. How much time is there in a day?
3. How many people are in your family?
4. How long can you swim underwater?
5. How much time have you spent studying for your test?
6. How many hours are there in a day?

Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. How long have you studied English?
2. How long will you stay in your current job?
3. How much money do you spend for lunch every day?
4. How much time do you spend sleeping each night?
5. How many years have you spent in school?
6. How many days do you work each week?

Basic "How" Questions
How do you study English now?
Tone of Voice Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. How do you go to work every day?
2. How old are you?
3. How tall are you?
4. How can I buy a ticket?
5. How do you feel this afternoon?
6. How is your stomach?
7. How are your parents doing?
8. How is your new job going?
9. How often do you go to the movies?
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. How do you like your job? (I like it a lot. Or I don't like it very much.)
2. How are you feeling today? (I'm feeling better than yesterday.)
3. How is the weather today? (It's warm and sunny – a beautiful day!)
4. How fast can you run? (I can't run very fast! Or I can run pretty fast.)
5. How often do you study English? (I often study. / I study every day. / I don't study very often. / I frequently study. / I rarely study.)

W Questions
["W" word + part of "Yes/No" Question]
What languages can you speak?
Tone of Voice Practice - Repeat each question and answer out loud!
1. What / is your name? (My name is ~ .)
2. What / can you / do well? (I can ~ very well.)
3. Where / are you from? (I am from ~ .)
4. Where / will you go / tomorrow? (I will go to ~ .)
5. When / did you / wake up / this morning? (I woke up at ~ o'clock.)
6. When is your birthday? (My birthday is in ~ .)
7. Who is your favorite singer? (My favorite singer is ~ .)
8. Who will come with us? ( ~ and ~ will come with us.)
9. Why are you studying English now? (I am studying English because ~ . )
10. Why were they so happy? (They were so happy because ~ .)
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. What do you like to do in your free time?
2. What will you eat for dinner tonight?
3. Where do you buy fruits and vegetables?
4. Where is the best place to visit in winter?
5. Who was your favorite teacher in school?
6. Who is the most popular singer in your country?
7. When was your last vacation? (My last vacation was in ~ .)
8. When do you prefer to study, in the morning or in the evening?
9. Why are you sleeping so late? (I'm sleeping so late because...)
10. Why are you walking to your school? (I'm walking because...)
Discussions - Give longer answers to these questions.
1. What is the most exciting movie you have ever seen?
2. When is the coldest weather in your hometown?
3. Where do you like to go on a warm summer's day?
4. Who do you like to talk to when you have a problem?
5. Why do you want to learn English?

Yes/No Questions
[Note: Use the first question word in your answer!]
Tone of Voice Practice - Repeat each question and answer out loud!
1. Do you have a pet? Yes, we do. / No, we don't.
2. Does she like to study? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
3. Did you see it? Yes, we did. / No, we didn't.
4. Can you speak English well? Yes, we can. / No, we can't.
5. Is she from here? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
6. Are you from a big city? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.
7. Are they going to come? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
8. Will you go with us? Yes, we will. / No, we won't.
9. Were you at home last night? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.
Discussion Practice - Speak these questions to your friends!
1. Do you speak English well? (Yes I do. / No I don't.) 2. Do you speak another language well?
3. Does your sister like pizza? (Yes she does. / No she doesn't.)
4. Does your friend like to eat pizza?
5. Do you have a brother or sister?
6. Does your father work in an office?
7. Can you play the guitar? (Yes I can. / No I can't.)
8. Can you drive a car?
9. Can your father drive a car?
10. Can you answer these questions easily?
11. Can French people speak French?
12. Is your friend a good singer? (Yes he is./Yes she is./No he isn't./No she isn't.)
13. Is today Friday?
14. Are you a good student? (Yes I am. / No I am not. / No I'm not.)
15. Are your friends tall?
16. Is your mother going to work today? (Yes, she is./No she is not./No she isn't.)
17. Is your dog big?
18. Are you going to stay home tonight? (Yes, I am. / No I am not. / No I'm not.)
19. Are you going to travel this year?
20. Will you practice all of these questions? (Yes I will. / No I won't.)
21. Will your friend help you study English?
22. Was yesterday Thursday? (Yes it was. / No it was not. / No it wasn't.)
23. Was your test difficult?
24. Were your parents from the same town or city? (Yes they were./No they weren't.)
25. Were your teachers helpful to you?

5 Ways You Can Promote Your Website on Facebook

The genius of promoting products and services over the Internet was already gaining popularity even before social media websites obtained prominence in the cyber world. Then Facebook entered the scene, and the whole online marketing business got blown to proportions way beyond people's initial expectations.
As Facebook gained prominence and its membership grew by millions, it became more than just a simple social networking service. It has become one of the world's leading social media marketing medium as well. With the vast diversity and large population of its members, it only made sense that it led to what we now call Facebook marketing.
Facebook as a Marketing Tool
Facebook provides one important thing in marketing: market. The entire membership is a wide, deep ocean of potential customers that business owners simply need to tap into.
Facebook marketing is a social media marketing strategy wherein business people and entrepreneurs promote their businesses and websites through Facebook.
The following are five Facebook marketing techniques that can help you with your website promotion.

1. Have A Unique, Official Logo
Take the official logo, symbol or banner of the business, product or service offered in your website and use it as a profile picture. This will distinguish your Facebook account from other individuals and encourage people to regard you with respect as a business. Preferably, it should be striking, attractive, stands out, memorable and distinct from all the other logos out there.
Logos are a necessity in basic marketing. It is all the more important in Facebook marketing because there are multitudes of photos and profile images in Facebook. You want to be easily recognized so that people will pay attention to your status updates regarding the latest developments of your website.
2. Install Facebook's RSS Graffiti Application
This is a free application that you can easily access through Facebook. Simply search for it through the search box and authorize the application to access your profile account. Add the RSS Graffiti into your business' official Facebook page. Enter the RSS feed or URL into the RSS Graffiti and complete your preferred settings (how many posts, how often, when and the like). Once you've saved everything, your Facebook page is all set for Facebook marketing and website promotion!
Depending on your settings, the RSS Graffiti will automatically publish the articles you add in your website. You no longer have to individually post updates and new features. Everything will be automatically done for you.
In addition to this, the application will also provide you with the stats of the website you're publishing on your Facebook wall.

Provide A Link In Your Profile Page
Once you get people's attention with your status updates and RSS feeds, they are likely to click on your profile page and learn more about the business. Provide them with the basic information about your services, and then direct them to your website for more information and exciting offers. This is website promotion and social media marketing in its most direct form.

3. Utilize Facebook Groups and Fan pages
Opening a group page in Facebook is one way to filter contacts and stragglers into a condensed population that truly has the potential to become your future customer and client pool. Write a short, personal message for each invite you send out. If he/she chooses to be a member and stay updated with your Facebook group, this is a very good sign indeed.
In social media marketing, sometimes it is more sensible to target the right market than just assimilate large numbers of contacts wherein a larger percentage will simply be indifferent to you. It is far easier to reel in visitors to your website when you all share a common interest and if they are truly interested in your group. 

4. Utilize Walls and Status Updates
Each person has his own wall where he can publish his own messages and receive messages from other people. Whenever these posts are published, they also appear as alerts to all the other contacts of the person. This is a perfect opportunity for website promotion.
This works similarly with the RSS Graffiti. However, with posting on your and other people's walls, you can be more casual and promote new updates to your website in an offhand manner that doesn't reek of website promotion. People will simply bypass your alert if they sense that your main purpose is for them to click on the link and buy something off you.
In addition, respond to inquiries and posts published in your wall. If you do this often, you'll also stay near the top of the updates list on everyone's home page.
With the success of the Internet as a medium for communication, people from all over the world are connected regardless of distance, language, color and culture. It also paved the way for social media marketing, particularly website promotion and Facebook marketing. You can promote your website to a very wide audience and achieve a lot more through Facebook.


Games and sports are the source of enjoyment, amusement and pleasure. No other living being but man needs games and sports for his mental recreation. All other living beings need only the ways and means of living and surviving, because they strive for food to satisfy hunger. Men are rational beings and they need to develop their faculties to expose themselves in various fields. I they require soundness of body and mind for which games and sports are necessary. Games and sports are not only the sources of pleasure and amusement but also the means of keeping physically fit and establishing a relation between two rival groups by eradicating the conflicts and strifes.

Various kinds of sports: There are various kinds of sports and exercise like swimming, boating, running, jumping and games like football, cricket, hockey tennis, badminton, valley ball, basket ball and exercises with the help of instruments.
Significance: sports have a great significance in our individual as well as our collective life. It builds our body and gives us more energy in work. It gives us skill, discipline, sense of cooperation and team spirit. Some games call forth courage and presence of mind. Sports and games are joyful activities too. A true sportsman is frank, generous and free from petty spite. These are sportsman like qualities.

Games should be compulsory for school boys:
There is no doubt that many outdoor games. Such as football, hockey and cricket are very good for growing boys. They provide physical exercise, so necessary for health, in an interesting form. Moreover, such games by training boys to work together in a team, teach corporate discipline and so promote what is called esprit de corps. Games form a valuable part of school education. They help in the moral training of boys. They teach certain necessary moral lessons, and in a way boys can understand, that the playing of games promotes co-operation, sense of fair-play, sporting spirit, obedience to rules, self-control, pluck and sacrifice of self for the good of the whole.
The proverb says, all work and no play make jack a dull boy. The sports can refresh and supply fresh vigor to our body and mind, A Latin proverb, Mens sanain corporesano, that is a sound mind exist in a sound body.

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information technology 

Nowadays information technology is most important factor to the present world. No can get professional and personal development with IT. So we have to think about this Technology. 

Md. Sabbir Ahmed: Proficiency in English

Proficiency in English

The need of English as a second language is a pragmatic demand of the modern world. To maintain official activities we need a second language and this help to improve our communication ability and skills. So earning knowledge in various kind of language will improve our talking ability.

English Learning

Spoken English 

When we try to speak in English should use the spoken skills and ability.


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